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The Amber DEXTROUS (née Amber Christine Nigro) is a New Yorker who dabbles in pop-culture academia, writing, performance, visual art, music, and other generally creative sorts of things. She currently resides in Harlem, is the proud owner of a large cat and a small child, and does her best to understand the world around her through art. Like Childish, she literally does not give a fuck about her “family name.” Also: she cusses like a sailor and has a wicked sharp sense of humor. #dontburythelead :: #dontburythelede

MS/MSLIS: Library and Information Science / Advanced Certificate in Archives :: Pratt Institute (2013)
BA: Double Major in Creative Writing & Interdisciplinary Honors / Psychology Minor (and undeclared Visual Arts Minor!) :: CUNY Hunter College (2010)
ETCE: EXTRA Terrestrial Continuing Education :: These Streets (est. 1987)

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